It’s a Friday Giveway!

Posted at Aug 16, 2013 1:22 pm

Aug16GiveawayAnd I’m in the mood for a Guilty Pleasure. Today mine is the TV show Devious Maids. It’s fun and naughty and total escapism. Love it!

What’s your Guilty Pleasure? A specific movie? TV show? Food? Or do you have a favorite Eye Candy in the form of a really hot guy?

I’ll be randomly drawing TWO names from today’s commenters who will win an Avon Tote Bag, a box of Anything But Sweet conversation hearts candy, and FREE e-book downloads of Second Chance at the Sugar Shack, Somebody Like You, and Lori Wilde’s The Cowboy and the Princess.

Please make sure you leave your email address so I can contact you for mailing info. Winners will be announced on Saturday, August 17, 2013.


35 responses to “It’s a Friday Giveway!”

  1. Jen C says:

    My guilty pleasure? Hmmm. Mine is McDonald’s sausage biscuits. When I clip coupons on Sunday morning, I always get a McD sausage biscuit, buy my papers, clip coupons, then do my weekly shopping. It’s bad, I know. But then it wouldn’t be a guilty pleasure. Reading romances – simply a pleasure! No guilt involved. (Even when I read the real hot ones!) 🙂

    Thanks for the contest, Candis!

  2. Diana says:

    HoHo’s, Dr. Pepper and romance novels.

  3. Kim M says:

    My guilty pleasure are Swedish fish. I keep a stash on hands for those moments you just need something sweet.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    Where do I start?! LOL Of course, my biggest guilty pleasure is See’s Candy. If you’ve never had it you have to try it. Best chocolate candies by far. Right now I’m in love with Hot In Cleveland. I love how funny those women are and Betty White is still hilarious even at 91!

  5. stephanie bone says:

    Pick me! books books books! You can never have enough!

  6. Amber Masden says:

    I love your books and you are a great inspiration to everyone YOU meet! I thank you for sharing your love of writing with us.

  7. catherine scott says:

    I love chocolate. I have to have some everyday. I prefer chocolate chip cookies though.

    Current favorite eye candy is the Rock!

  8. Lisa W says:

    Ooh, I am really enjoying Devious Maids as well! That is what I like to watch on tv, something to escape reality!
    I also love my double chocolate browning ice cream…mmm..its my once a week treat 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway! (tigger_time2 at yahoo dot com)

  9. Pam B says:

    Not sure if I’m more excited about the idea of a new tote or chocolate!

  10. Susan Clay says:

    My guilty pleasure is hiding out with a book, chocolate, and hot tea. Hiding means no children or husband, just me, my book and a Do Not Disturb sign.

  11. elena k says:

    i love chocolate and i am addicted to game of thrones. 🙂

  12. You got me at “FREE e-book downloads. My guilty pleasure–I’m almost ashamed to say. It’s the TV show Rookie Blues. The acting is bad. the story lines are predictable, and it’s pure escape but I love it. When will Nick and Andy get back together?

  13. Dianne jordan says:

    Taking time to llve another’s life through books. Thanks for all the day-trips.

  14. Terry Gregson says:

    You call him Jesse Wilder, but in my heart he will always be Thor, the God of Thunder!! That is my guilty pleasure in the form of a really hot guy!! Just ask my family, they will tell you all about my obsession!! lol

  15. Sue Peace says:

    Hmmm…a guilty pleasure! I won’t say reading romance because that is just pure pleasure…depending on my mood I might sneak some sweet candy or salt and vinegar chips later at night!!

  16. Rhiannon Rowland says:

    There are so many movies that are guilty pleasures for me, Pride & Prejudice, GI Jane, The Goonies, Titanic. I could keep going. I watch these back in my bedroom as I live in a house with three males and none of them want to watch them with me. 🙂

  17. Shari says:

    Hmm… My guilty pleasure would be something chocolate and homemade. Thinking brownies. It would be perfect with a hot cup of coffee with a good book.

  18. Jacquie Biggar says:

    Love your books Candis. My guilty pleasure would be spending time at flower nursery’s, love it! Also peanut M&M’s, they are the best! lol

  19. Ada says:

    Guilty pleasures…watching National Geographic channel and Spice Girls songs!!! 😉

  20. Anita H. says:

    My guilty pleasure it watching reality singing competitions: American Idol, The Sing-Off, X-Factor, just to name some, but my favorite is The Voice! One thing they do is leave me with songs I can’t get out of my head! lol!!!

  21. Jessica C. says:

    My guilty pleasure is a nice long, hot bath. Also, Dr. Pepper and romance books.

  22. Deanna Stevens says:

    My guilty pleasure is BOOKS!!! I love books and buy books cause I know I will get to them eventually. Thank goodness I have a Nook otherwise storage might be an issue!!!!

  23. Paula Abel says:

    I’m hooked on Jube jubes. Any color but black. My summer show I took up is Camp. It’s easy viewing after a crazy day.

  24. Allyson Wotzka says:

    My guilty pleasure is the movie Cruel Intentions, I just love that movie!

  25. Candis Terry says:

    WOW! There are some great guilty pleasures here! Just wanted to tell everyone the winners will be selected and posted at 8 pm (MST) tonight (Saturday, Aug 17). And stay tuned, I’ll have more to give away next week!

  26. maggie P says:

    Guilty pleasures: books, ice cream, fabric shopping for quilts, and fountain drinks!

  27. Ashley M says:

    My guilty pleasure is books that draw you in sitting in a nice comfortable chair with a glass of Dr. Pepper.

  28. Kelly Watson says:

    My guilty pleasure… Reruns of Sex and the City, reading, and David Gandy! 😉

  29. Ginny says:

    My guilty pleasure is reading a good book on either my computer or Kindle with a cup of coffee that has sugar and vanilla caramel cream in it. Doesn’t get any better than that. Love your books!!

  30. Jenny b says:

    My guilty pleasure… Oreos! Or thin mints if it is Girl Scout cookie season! And I can’t forget a bubble bath and a good book after a long day at work!

  31. Lori Howe says:

    There’s a guilty pleasure just waiting to be found.
    This week mine is a glass of wine and some uninterrupted reading time. (maybe that should be ‘whine’)


  32. Corinne says:

    Red strawberry Twizzlers & Reeses Peanut Buttercups…..but they have to accompany a great book…with a HOT book boyfriend!!! 😉 Thanks for the chance to enter Candis!!

  33. Derek McFadden says:

    My guilty pleasure is chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream..but its not a guilty pleasure until I have a Carl Webber novel

  34. cindy r. says:

    Well, Candis,
    My guilty pleasure is chocolate covered strawberries and it pisses me off that right not I can’t afford to buy any!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Candis Terry says:

    Congratulations to Guilty Pleasure winners Lisa W. and Shari!

    Ladies, please send your mailing addresses to me at so I can get your prizes in the mail asap!

    Stay tuned next week for more giveaways!

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