Posted at Feb 15, 2017 1:59 am

Two weeks from today ( February 28) the second book in my Sunshine Creek Vineyard series will be on sale! I can’t wait to share this book and all the fun I have planned for release day with you. Some special things will be available for my newsletter recipients only, so if you haven’t sign up on my home page yet, please do. You don’t want to miss out!
The book is available now for pre-orders.
I’ll be back soon with the special things for my newsletter peeps. Until then, happy reading!
I Love Romance novels because they make me feel warm & cozy inside. I lost my Husband to Kidney Cancer 4 months ago & these books help me keep my mind busy thinking of sweet things & no be depressed. Thanks for this generous giveaway.
I love romance novels because you get that happy feeling inside when you first meet someone and fall in love.
I enjoy romance novels because they take me to places I’ve been, places I’ve never been, and places that don’t exist.
Romance novels always leave me with a smile on my face. They are usually upbeat and sometimes I learn about another time and culture.
I love reading romance because it’s positive and uplifting. There’s so much negative in our world and news today, I crave the positive during my “me” time. I read at night a lot when all is quiet and hubby is asleep…and when I go to sleep myself I’m in a positive frame of mind…and I sleep like a baby.
I love reading romance to drift away to a dreamland and get away from the mundane day to day. I believe in HEA in real life. It is a treat to read something uplifting and positive in a world of uncertaintity.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Like!! I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. The article has truly peaked my interest.