I’m so happy you dropped by the little corner of my world that makes me dream, laugh, sigh, and is the very heart of who I am. So grab a seat (or a barstool if you’re so inclined) and have a look around my website. It’s loaded with book excerpts, and playlists, and of course, recipes. Hard to write a series of books called The Sugar Shack novels without a little something sweet on the side. And please stop back by in the future.
Happily yours, Candis
Posted at Sep 30, 2017 1:41 am

Thank you to my newsletter recipients who participated!
The winners are:
Katie Chapman
Victoria Salcedo
Renee P.
Cheryl Hastings
Kim Perry
Ladies, please send your preferred ebook retailer (Amazon, B&N, etc) to me at candis.terry@yahoo.com and I will get your book ordered right away!
If you didn’t win, I hope from the bottom of my heart and soul you’ll grab a copy of TANGLED UP IN TINSEL!