Posted at Aug 23, 2013 3:11 pm
Inspiration is everywhere. And I need it! Particularly when I’m creating characters. While I may see the story of a new book unfold in my mind, I can always use a little help with the hero and heroine. Okay, so maybe I just like to look at good looking men and that’s just a really good excuse. In any case, the gentleman in this photo is #1 on my list of possibilities for the new hero I’m writing. So I’m asking you, my friends . . . Hot or Not?
Today I’m giving away THREE sets of ebook downloads of Second Chance at the Sugar Shack, Somebody Like You, Lori Wilde’s A Cowboy for Christmas, and a box of my Anything But Sweet conversation heart candy.
All you need to do is leave a comment on whether you think this guy is Hot or Not enough to star as the hero in my new book.
Winners will be selected by 8:00 pm (MST) Saturday, August 24, 2013.
Of course hes yummy .:)
I’m thinking he’s hot! (By the way, are your books available in Belgium, cause i can only seem to find them on amazon)
Hot! Thanks for sharing!
Pretty hot, just not sure about that hair, lol!!!
I’m thinking sizzling ‘hot’ ‘hot’ ‘hot’. Hmmm… sure could dream about him here down under…
Definitely hot! But he needs some aging…I feel like a cougar lusting after these babes…
Most definitely a double yummy yes!
Definitely hot!!
Easy. Hot
Hot!(although I prefer a little chest hair) I don’t need to win because I have the paperbacks!
Not Bad….But NO ONE comes close to My Jesse….Or Reno…Wait or Matt…and Maybe James….hee hee
Seriously HOT, look at those Abs, enough said!!
ağustos ayında gitmiştik geçen yaz ramazana girmeden önce . yemeklerini çok beğendik. eşime ahçıdan musakkanın özellikle tarıfını aldırmıştım. çok güzeldi. burdan yetkılılerıne teşekkür ediyorum. ilginizden dolayı. iyi çalışmalar .
Wow! Very nice eye candy. He’s given me inspiration to have a fantabular weekend :).
Cute but looks angry… Bad attitude!
Well, he’s not Jesse Wilder, but the temperature in here rose several degrees when I opened your blog and saw the yummy guy!!
Oh, yeah! He’s definitely hot enough! Thanks for the pic!
Oh he is definitely hot enough!!!!
I think he is! What a nice thing to look at at the beginning of the weekend
There’s no doubt in my mind! A Great looking bad boy.
He is so hot he should be in a few books of yours! Thank you for giving me good something sweet to look at all day!
Definitely hot enough!!!!!
Yes he is deff. Hot enough to feature. Very Very nice would love to read a book with him in it
Yeah, he’s hot. Too bad we can’t win that. Yum.
Definite HOT body, BUT don’t like the hair.
Definitely hot and gorgeous!!
Hot! Can he be your cover model in a future book?
Anita, I sincerely wish I could choose my cover models. I’m still hoping one day for a shirtless hottie!
Definitely hot!
What’s the name of your new hero you’re writing about?
Hi Ada!
This hero is Deputy Brady Bennett. Readers first met him in Anything But Sweet. He will be visible in all the Sweet, Texas books.
He’s very hawt! Sizzling!
I think he’s hot. Please I’m sure he gets even hotter with words coming out of his mouth.
He’s a hottie.
Love the Photo way hot! The books listed sound great. Thanks for the smile.
Only okay..not really my favorite
He is definitely hot to be the hero in your next book! Can’t wait to read the book and picture him.
I think he is definitely hot enough!
He thinks he’s really hot and although he is pretty I like a little bit more character in a man; more angular cheek bones and jaw line.
Um yes. No other words but yes.
LOLOL That’s the question to enter??? hahaha Yes.
Yes he is HOT !! He has that sexy smoldering look going on…
yes, he is hot. Am I too late for the giveaway?
Congratulations to Sara Gouveia, Anita H., and Lisa H for winning my giveaway!
Please email your mailing addresses to me at
As soon as I receive your addresses I will get your packages in the mail. Thanks to all for entering. More to come next week!