Posted at May 19, 2015 3:22 pm

I’m very excited about this book because it gave me a chance to go back and revisit the very first book of my Sweet, Texas series and add (almost 100 pages) to Aiden, Paige, and the lovable Rennie’s story.
I’m even more excited because ALL PROCEEDS OF THIS NOVELLA WILL GO TO ANIMAL RESCUE! When I started looking into rescue organizations in my area I was floored by the amount of animals in need. I hope you’ll help me help them, not only by purchasing Home Sweet Home (ebook is only $1.99) but that you’ll spread the word to other animal lovers about this charity fundraiser. The print book ($3.99) will be available May 26. I will make sure to post pictures of me giving the rescue organizations a (hopefully) nice big check.
Thank you for you support!
I LOVE what you’re doing.
We have four pets. Two dogs which came from a rescue. Two cats which we found.
I don’t have a pet right now, but I had a cat once called Zacarias. He disappeared from my parents house…
We currently are petless, but when the children were young we had a beagle that they named Chocolate Chip. (He was a
dark brown color!) During their college years, two of my
rascally children “snuck” in a kitten that they named Gerald because it reminded of a goofy (their description)
friend! He was one of a litter born in the Band Hall’s pom
pom box!
We have a beautiful dog named Belle that we adopted from an animal clinic in Manhattan who is one of three sisters rescued from a crack house. My daughter Patricia found a picture of her online and my loving husband secretly made arrangements to bring her home to surprise my daughter. We had a cat named Gonzo that we got from one of many litters born at the neighborhood boat yard where we used to live. Gonzo passed away in early March at 15 years old and we miss him every day.
We have a beautiful dog named Molly. She’s a two-year old Boxer/Great Dane mix we’ve had for three months. I think it’s wonderful you are giving all proceeds to animal rescue. Thank you!
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
RT @Jeaniene_Frost: ALL proceeds of Candis Terry’s $1.99 novella HOME SWEET HOME to animal rescue charities: & http:…
I think it is awesome what you are doing. I live with my sis and she has 3 cats. Miss Kitty is a black and white cat, almost tuxedo but not quite. Sammy is a tuxedo cat. Houdini is solid black. He was given the name Houdini because when he was little, he was always escaping from where she would put him.
I had 6 house cats that I lost in a fire 7 years ago and still miss them so very much.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity.
We have 2 cats, Piper and Phoebe that we adopted as kittens 9 years ago. If we were home more often and had a bigger house, I’d love a big dog….maybe one day 🙂
I love that all the proceeds of this book are going to this good cause. My brother got their dog from a rescue shelter.. Poor Charlie is not doing so well right now. My niece will be devastated if anything happens to the dog. S
Loved your book, Sweet Surprise. My husband is reading it now. He has just discovered my books and is reading them all the time! Loved that you mentioned Clemson! (Patty is my niece)
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