Posted at Jul 18, 2014 2:41 am

The Romance Writers of America Conference is always an amazing adventure. I remember the first one I ever went to way back in the early 90’s in Dallas. I was overwhelmed by the workshops, and the speeches, and the awards, and the lively chatter. Especially the lively chatter. If you’ve never been in a conference hotel with over 2,000 women all talking at once, you don’t know what you’re missing. Afterward, you’ll be missing your hearing. Still, it’s a fun week of don’t miss opportunities.
I mean, really, where else can you go and listen to Jill Shalvis deliver a speech that has you laughing out loud, then the following day hear Kristan Higgins deliver a speech that has you bawling your eyes out (in a good way). Or you get on an elevator and realize that’s Nora Roberts standing next to you. Or you’ve caught the uber nice Robyn Carr sneaking down the hall to grab a soda from the vending machine.
It’s a time to catch up with old friends and meet new friends. A time to gather some crafty ideas on how to get through those pesky revisions, or how to present yourself properly on social media. Hmmm. I might have to revisit that workshop!
And there are parties. Oh! The parties! Such fun. And the awards ceremony where everyone puts on their prettiest dress an applauds the winners of the Golden Heart Award for Unpublished Writers and the RITA for Published Authors.
But the part I might like the most is the Readers for Life Literacy Autographing. This year there will be 500+ authors in attendance. We’re all excited to see our readers, sign our books, and watch the numbers grow on the amount of money we’ve raised to fight illiteracy. At last count RWA has raised more than $825,000! I am so thrilled to be a part of that as reading has always been such an important part of my life.
So if you’re going to be in the San Antonio area on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 from 5:30-7:30, please stop by. Say hello. And purchase an autographed book from one of your favorite authors. Not only will you be doing something fun for yourself, you’ll be helping someone learn to read.
Take a look at the list of authors who will be there. It’s amazing!
Hope to see you there!
I know I am looking forward to seeing you there, and enjoying the craziness!
I’m looking forward to attending the signing. It’s the first big event for me & I’m excited to meet the authors whose books provide so much joy!
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