Posted at Apr 14, 2014 4:27 pm

22 years was a heck of a long time to work at getting a book published. I considered it a wonderful phase of learning my craft. Which is not to say I didn’t get discouraged or consider quitting once in awhile. Lucky (and smartly) for me I hung on. This month I have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate 3 years of my first Sugar Shack book being published with Avon Impulse.
Each Friday (April 18, 25, 2014) the prize of a complete 3 book set of signed Sugar Shack books and a $10.00 gift card for either Amazon or Barnes and Noble will be awarded to a random commenter for that week’s interview on my website blog (
With celebration in mind, I’m continuing week 2 of Interviews with Letty.
For those of you unfamiliar with Letty, she is the quintessential pastry queen of Deer Lick, Montana, and the mother of Kate, Dean, and Kelly Silverthorne. She’s also pretty much dead. As in RIP dead. But that hasn’t stopped her from popping in and meddling in her children’s lives. Because, hey, when you’re good at something, why let a little thing like being dead get in the way, right?
Before we get to the interview with Dean Silverthorne and Emma Hart from Any Given Christmas, Letty has a couple of reader questions she’s dying to answer.
Candis: I have to admit I miss you, Letty.
Letty: Miss me? Where’d I go?
CT: Ha! It’s easy to see you’re still up to your old mischief.
LS: Well, what you might call mischief, I call intensive preparation and organization for the future.
CT: So . . . in other words, scheming to get what you want.
LS: Scheming sounds so harsh. (gives a wicked smile) Although all this formulating has definitely gotten me into trouble more than once with the big Kahuna. If you know what I mean.
CT: Which reminds me, please stop moving things around in my house or I’ll have to call the poltergeist police on you. Finding my underwear in the freezer was not funny.
LS: Eh. (shrugs a transparent shoulder) It all depends on your definition of funny.
CT: Let’s get down to readers questions, shall we? The first one comes from Karen who wants to know: What was your favorite way to surprise your kids with your arrival into their lives from the afterlife?
LS: Well, forcing them to listen to that hip-swinging crooner, Tom Jones, was fun. But sadly I was never able to surprise them the way I really wanted to. (winks) Heaven’s got rules that take the fun out of things. I guess my favorite way was to pick just the right moment to pop in. Like with my first visit to Dean. Even I didn’t see that one coming. I had to act fast because the love of his life was coming straight at him and he might have missed her.
CT: You almost caused a car accident.
LS: I’ve done worse in my day. Besides, it worked, didn’t it?
CT: (sigh) Okay, second question: Elizabeth wants to know if you visit your husband in the afterlife too, or is it just to “meddle” in your children’s lives?
LS: I visit my Bobby. In his dreams. Can’t give you details, but I do leave him with a smile.
CT: Yeesh. TMI. With that I’m warily handing over the interview reins. Letty, please be kind to Dean and Emma.
LS: Of course I’ll be kind. I want grandchildren. Maybe I’d better get going so they can get to work.
Emma: Dean, stop that! (giggles) Your mother’s watching.
Dean: Great timing, Mom.
LS: As always. So let’s get down to the basics. Emma, my darling, at first you didn’t care for my beautiful boy. What was up with that?
EH: There wasn’t enough room for me, him, and his ego.
LS: (snort) Good one.
DS: Mom!
LS: Okay, moving on before I get in trouble.
DS: Too late.
LS: Dean, in the beginning you were floored harder than being drilled into the fifty yard line when Emma didn’t seem interested in you. How did you handle her quick comebacks and flat-out rejections?
DS: Is it crazy for me to wonder whose side you’re on here?
LS: A mother never chooses sides.
DS: That’s not what Kate says.
LS: Answer the question please.
DS: It’s the practice of persuasion. Can’t give you the details but you might want to check with Emma about how we spent our first New Year’s Eve together.
EH: I can’t seem to remember. (grins) Maybe you should remind me.
DS: I remember it being pretty explosive. (pulls her in for a kiss) How’s that for starters?
LS: How did I lose control of this interview?
DS: You mean you think you had control in the first place?
LS: Maybe I’ll have better luck next week with Kelly and James.
DS: Right. Maybe you’ve forgotten Kelly’s a hard-ass prosecutor.
LS: Was a hard-ass prosecutor. Now she’s a clown.
DS: I’m going to tell her you said that. Maybe then I can get back to being your favorite.
Candis here again. Is it just me or are these interviews going downhill on roller skates?
Okay, readers, to enter my Week 2 Avon Impulse Birthday Party Giveaway, all you have to do is leave a quick comment about the hero in the last romance novel you just read and what made you love or dislike him. You don’t have to tell me the name of the book if you don’t want. Or you can leave a question for Letty (good luck with actually getting a straight answer). J
Winners for each week will be chosen on designated Fridays at 7:00 pm EST.
Giveaway is open to U.S., Canadian, and International residents. If you live on Mars, sorry, I can’t afford postage.
his alofness, kindness, were great. He was in Jane Ashfords newest book
The name of the hero in the last book I read was Troy. It was Robin Bielman’s latest release Wild about Her Wingman and I adored Troy and the book. He was so kind and loving and just a little bit damaged. Great read.
what a great interview!and I laughed so much about your comment for mars! as for your question, although I read contemporary romance mostly the last hero was the king by jr ward and I loved that he had insecurities, deep love for his woman and he was protective of his people.
elena k, I haven’t read The King yet but it’s very high up on my TBR pile. I am J.R. Ward fanatic. Zsadist holds a very dear place in my heart. Never have I met a character so menacing and yet so full of heart.
you are my kind of a girl!zsadist is my favorite one too! there is a scene also in the king with z that is funny and sweet!you should totally read it!
Last book I read was Come Home to Me by Brenda Novak and I loved how Aaron has turned his life around and was committed to seeing where his connection with Presley would go.
Just finished Beauty’s Kiss by Jane Porter. Loved Troy for being persistent with Taylor and not giving up.
I was laughing out loud with this interview. Love Letty!!!
Hi Shari!!!
I’ve got to find a way to bring Letty back. Well, I think I found a way now I just have to find the time. I hope you’re having as much fun revisiting her as I am.
I loved Ronnie in Sherryl Woods “A Slice Of Heaven” He knew he had screwed up and admitted it. He also vowed to never do so again and proceeded to show Dana Sue he was willing to do anything for her and their daughter.
liked Krit from Abbi Glines’ last book because of how caring he was
bn100, I absolutely devour Abbi Glines’ books! Love her characters!And for an oldie but goody (I hope) like me, it’s fun to reconnect with my younger side.
I am reading Susan Mallery’s Desert Rogues Part 2 book #8 The Sheik and The Princess Bride. I like that all of them can get away with saying “I am Prince____ of _____”, because they can. I like Jefri in this book, he is learning to fly planes for the Air Force of his country from a woman! And he is not sexist towards her.
Finished Kieran Kramer’s Sweet Talk Me. Country singer Harrison Gamble is the hero. He is kind, sweet , sexy and sincere. Harrison never forgot his first love—-how romantic!
I just finished reading Julie Anne Long’s It Happened One Midnight from her Pennyroyal Green series. Oh my, the hero, Jonathan, has become my favorite book boyfriend! He was witty and caring. Tried to not care but he truly was a hero saving a few men from dastardly thugs and then helping save children who were being abused. Just adored him!
My last book was Dukes to the Left of Me, Princes to the Right by Kieran Kramer and the hero of the story was Nicholas Staunton. I thought he was a great hero, he was a spy for the crown and he was very charming and he’d do anything to protect the heroine, Poppy! That’s my kind of hero!
Looks like I’m going to have to check out Kieran Kramer’s books!
Great interview!!! The hero in the last book I finished was Troy in Beauty’s Kiss by Jane Porter 🙂
Darius by Grace Burrowes – love all her heroes.
The book I’m reading right now is Effortless by S.C. Stephens. It is the second book from the Thoughtless Series. In the first book, the hero is Kellan Kyle and he saves himself by love. He expresses emotion and finally finds what he has needed his whole life…love.
I’m currently reading the Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold and I’m loving Miles Vorkosigan, the main protagonist. His life began on a bad note, and he doesn’t quite fit in, but he doesn’t give up. He relies heavily on his intelligence, get hyperactive, and has a bunch of crazy ideas that actually work!
Great insight. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.
CONGRATULATIONS to Ana Smith! You’re this week’s winner of signed copies of Second Chance at the Sugar Shack, Any Given Christmas, Somebody Like You, and a $10 gift card to your choice of Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Please email me at with your mailing address & choice of gift card. Enjoy!
His name was Tom and he’s awesome. He’s a werewolf and his soon to be mate is a blind witch who’s dad wants to kill her (the dad’s power hungry and wants to take her power). Tom’s brother was kidnapped by her dad and so they team up to save him and in the end Tom realizes that she’s his mate. She was about to kill her father with a spell that would kill her too and Tom stops her and kills her father. It’s a short side story of a series by Patricia Briggs with side characters of that series so it’s fun to find out how they met. (When they first met they didn’t much like each other lol). Okay. That’s mine 🙂
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