Posted at Apr 21, 2014 5:26 pm
Paul Walker was my inspiration for Deputy James Harley in SOMEBODY LIKE YOU. It’s so nice to see his handsome face once more time.
It’s been wonderful to celebrate the 3rd Birthday of Avon Impulse these past few weeks. I hope readers will continue to welcome the new, amazing, and upcoming books Avon Impulse offers (and very often at unbelievably low prices!). I’ve found some of my new favorite authors from this list and hope you will too.
Today is our final (boo hoo!) interview with Letty Silverthorne, the quintessential pastry queen of Deer Lick, Montana, and the mother of Kate, Dean, and Kelly Silverthorne. Some might think that’s a good thing since she passed to the greater beyond a while ago. I have to admit I kind of liked having her around again. She definitely keeps me on my toes, and for the most part when I’m not rolling my eyes, she makes me smile. Letty has no filter, and I can completely understand why she might have driven her kids a little crazy. I’m also pretty sure that being dead really hasn’t slowed her down much.
I’ve decided to “sweeten” the pot for this final giveaway by adding a Sweet, Texas coffee mug and a signed print copy of Confessions of Secret Admirer—a Valentine’s Day Anthology to my original prize pack of a complete 3 book set of signed Sugar Shack books and a $10.00 gift card for either Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
If you like this little prize pack and would like to be eligible to win all you need to do is take a look at your “keeper” bookshelf Choose the second shelf from the top, pick the 3rd book from the left. Tell me what that book is and why you decided it was a “keeper.”
Giveaway prize will be awarded to a random commenter for this week’s interview on my website blog ( Winner will be announced Friday, April 25, 2014 at 7:00 pm EST.
BTW, the ebook version of SOMEBODY LIKE YOU (Kelly and James’ story) is currently ON SALE for a mere .99 cents. Quite a deal (I think) for a quirky, sexy love story with a really hot deputy. 
So without further ado, I hand the interviewing reins (admittedly with a pinch of fear) over to Letty and a note of sympathy to her interviewees Kelly Silverthorne and James Harley. Take it away, Letty.
Letty: I can’t believe this is the last week Candis is going to let me do these interviews.
Kelly: Mom. Seriously? You were supposed to interview your three kids. You don’t have any more kids left to interview. Besides, you shouldn’t be interviewing anyone!
LS: Why? Because I fly the friendly skies these days instead of walking around? There are advantages to being a little see-thru you know.
KS: I really don’t want to know. At least not for a long time. I’ve got plans.
LS: Oooh. Sounds interesting. Care to share?
KS: Not in this lifetime.
LS: Perfect! I’m not in that lifetime anymore.
KS: Haha. I don’t see how you think that can be funny.
LS: (sighs) You are such a lawyer.
KS: Not anymore.
LS: That’s right. So how’s the whole clown thing working for you? BTW, way to annihilate the Sister Serious moniker all to hell. And would you like to reveal exactly whose chocolate handprints were on the bakery wall and how they got there?
James: They were mine. And hell no.
KS: (swoons). Thanks for the rescue big guy.
LS: Stop that you two. I have a whole list of questions.
KS: They better not be all about chocolate handprints.
LS: I’m not that shallow. And no comments from the peanut gallery please. First question is for you my highly intelligent and usually very straitlaced daughter. The night of your sister’s wedding reception you got a little drunk and—
KS: Oh geez. Here we go.
LS: Ended up in someone who shall remain nameless’ bed.
JH: I’m sitting right here, Letty. You can hardly ignore me.
LS: Snubbing you was never my intention, James. And really, who could ignore a big, strong, handsome guy like you? I’m just curious as to where all this is leading and what your intentions are toward my little girl?
KS: Not so little anymore, Mom.
JH: Nope. (smiles and nuzzles Kelly’s neck) You’re a whole lot of woman.
LS: Kelly, could you please stop giggling? And, James? Please answer the question.
JH: Guess you’ll just have to hang around and wait and see.
LS: Best invitation I’ve had all day. From what I hear Candis is trying to figure out a way to bring me back.
KS: A scary thought.
LS: Eh. I’ll give her credit for a good effort and imagination.
Candis here again. Thank you, Letty. I do my best.
Okay, readers, to enter my Avon Impulse Birthday Party Final Week Giveaway, all you have to do is tell me about the 3rd book from the left on the second shelf of your keeper bookshelf.
Winner will be randomly chosen on Friday 4/25/14 at 7:00 pm EST.
Giveaway is open to U.S., Canadian, and International residents. If you live on Jupiter, sorry, I can’t afford postage. 
LOL! Love Letty! Yes, bring her back.
The third book from the left on the second shelf of my keeper bookcase happens to be ANYTHING BUT SWEET by Candis Terry. No kidding! The top shelf is lined with my fave historicals and the second starts with my fave contemporaries. Yes, I’m a bit OCD. LOL!!
I have a copy of the Valentine’s Day anthology on my reader but oh, how I’d love a signed copy.
Oh Amy! Even more to love about you! :)I’ve got to admit, it’s hard to top Reno Wilder. And no, I did not say climb on top of Reno Wilder! Heehee.
LOL! You know I’d climb on top of Reno any time! xoxo
Great interview! The book on my shelf is Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen…besides being a really good book I love the cover (hardcover)
Have a great day!
Excellent Sue! I have this book waiting for me on my Kindle. Very glad to know its on your keeper shelf!
My book is Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison… I am in love with this series and is sad to see it almost over.
I’m right there with you Shelly. I am a Kim Harrison fan too!
The book you called for A Lady of his Own by Stephanie Laurens. Why did I keep it?
Its Stephanie Laurens. Did I mention that? LOL
The Bastion Club. Not my absolute favorite of hers. But certainly good reading. And I could not bring myself to give away one of hers.
Lisa I have a LOT of Stephanie’s books on my keeper shelf! The Cynsters. Nuff said, right?
lover awakened by JR Ward
bn100, you had me at J.R. Ward. Seriously. I sometimes can’t stop myself from picking up one of the BDB books and delving right in. But Zsadist’s book? Holy cow. It’s my ultimate favorite. I was so amazed how she managed to turn someone so danged menacing into someone I loved so much! My heart aches just thinking about him.
I love Letty!! This was a great interview!
My book would be Kristan Higgins Just One of the Guys.
Karen j, One of my most absolute favorite books! Have read it many times!
hehe Such enjoyable interviews with Letty!!
The third book on my shelf is Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis. Pretty much any and all Jill books stay on my keeper shelf but I fell in love with Brady and Lilah after I read it and it’s absolutely one of my favorite books and a great re-read!
Another of my fav books! And also on my keeper shelf. I am a crazy Jill Shalvis fan!
That one would be Heather Graham’s Waking the Dead.
I ignored a weird book that I didn’t put on the shelf (it’s one gifted from my mother in law that must be visible for her visits and what did I find? An unread biography of Orson Wells. Time to edit the keeper shelf!
Lola! Best answer yet! I snorted my coffee!
Doll by Taylor Stevens has a great kick ass female character
My book is YOURS UNTIL DAWN by Teresa Medeiros. I love this historical romance because it has a hero who was blinded in the war and a ‘nurse’ hired by his family to assist him cope with it. He doesn’t handle this very well though. LOL
A hardback of When He Was Wicked, one of my absolute favorite Julia Quinn novels in her Bridgertons series. I found this second hand- I already had it on my e-reader but snapped it up when I saw it at the library book sale. That novel is so fabulous and very, very sexy.
Alexandra I have to admit that I not only have books on my Kindle and the same books on my keeper shelf, but in some cases I also have two print books because I’ve dog-eared one copy so bad! A specific one that comes to mind is Rachel Gibson’s Truly Madly. Have lost count how many times I’ve read this book!
It’s When You Dare by Lori Foster. It’s on my shelf for a couple of reasons. First, have you seen the cover? Oh my…hotness! Second, I loved the story-sexy mercenary rescues an author. Awesome! When You Dare started my love affair with all things Lori Foster. Now I never miss a release date & I snap up every older book of hers that I can find.
In my eyes Lori Foster is a goddess.
Tully. By Paullina Simons. You have got to read this book! I always have a copy of it. Older, but one of my favorites. It has everything. Love. Loss. Betrayal. Friendship. A choice between loving 2 men. I have laughed and cried and re-read this book many times.
Wow! I’m going to have to find a copy of that Kelsie! It sounds wonderful.
My book is the hardcover of Nora Roberts the Search. Loved it! Mystery, romance and dogs! Nora is a fabulous storyteller!
That book happens to be Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. He just happens to be one of ancestors. My favorite selection from that book is his poem Give All To Love. His words transcend time to me in my time. “Leave all for love; Yet, hear me, yet, One word more thy heart behoved, One pulse more of firm endeavor,-Keep thee to-day, Tomorrow, forever, Free as Arab Of thy beloved.” As a now happily married woman I reflect on this stanza and it reminds me to do just that. Leave all for love.
Rachael, the thing I love the most about poetry is that is sums things up in a very concise and heartfelt way. Thanks for sharing that.
Yours to Keep by Shannon Stacey. Love the Kowalski’s series! Definitely great books when I want something light and fun and romantic!
I love the Kowalski series too, Krysten!
Sorry I haven’t had my kindle long nor did I know I could find such great authors on facebook. I just found this site so I do nt have a book shelf but if you would like to make a few recommendations I will know where to start. Not the answer you were looking for and I believe in the truth so if I don’t qualify at least I might get some answers where to start. Thanks
Hi Jodie! And welcome to the world of Kindle! We’re glad to have you here. First of all, everyone’s taste differs and so to give you some author names I’d love for you to give me a hint of what you like to read. Contemporary, historical, or paranormal romance? Romantic suspense? Young Adult or New Adult? And the level of sexuality you like in your books. I have a ton of my own favorite authors I’d love to share with you!
As for my own books I have my first series–the Sugar Shack novels. This is a collection of 3 books featuring 3 highly successful siblings that revolves around the sudden death of their mother and their return home to Deer Lick, Montana where they must deal with the family bakery, her death, and the fact that her ghost is just as meddlesome as she was in life. The stories are funny, heartfelt, and of course, all have a happy ending.
My new Sweet, Texas series is based on the Wilder family and the five brothers who all have their own way of dealing with the war death of the oldest, finding love, and a matchmaking mother. Oh, and there’s a goat named Miss Giddy in the stories who is quite the fashionista.
I hope you’ll check them out on Amazon under my name Candis Terry.
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by JoAnn Durgin. I love JoAnn’s books!!
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole is sitting proudly in that spot. As a matter of fact, that whole shelf is Kresley Cole. I have a whole wall of books in my library and I arrange them by genre and then by author. Cole is on my most easily reachable shelf because of her witty sense of hero and dark heroes. The next shelf down is JR Ward. What can I say, I’m a sucker for paranormals. I can’t wait until you put out one, Candis!
LOL Jaye Shields! I have an entire shelf dedicated to J.R. Ward too! Miss you!
As you are a new author for me I have not read your books but love reading the little bits you have posted. I do look forward to reading your books! On my second shelf third book of my keeper books is Christine Feehan’s Night Game from her GhostWalker series as it is the third book of the series. That how I alphabetize my books. Love this series because who doesn’t love Genetically Enhanced Alpha Supersoldiers?!
Hi Sony! Ah, Christine Feehan! Love her books. I’d love for you to check out my books! Besides my character’s task of finding true love and a happy ending, I write a lot about community and family and how the two connect to give the characters that total sense of completion. For the most part, they are humorous but definitely heartfelt and heartwarming. Which is not to say my heroes are easy to write. Nope. Ask anyone who’s read my books, writing my heroes is like wrangling cats!
Thanks for stopping by. And please, stay in touch!
Third from the left second shelf of my keepers happens to be Rachel Gibson’s Run to You!! Why is it a keeper? Well, first of all Rachel Gibson wrote it! Secondly, I adored Stella and Beau’s journey. Full of humor and sexy goodness! Definitely a good one to take out on a rainy day and put a smile on my face!
I’ll tell Rachel she’s on your keeper shelf, Bette! I know that will make her smile. She’s on my keeper shelf too.
That particular book is HUMMINGBIRD by LaVeryl Spencer. I kept it because it was a wonderful book and it started me reading all of her other books. I was sad to see her quit writing.
I also noticed that I had kept almost all of the Sandra Brown books I have read. My problem can be resolved by adding more keeper shelves!
Ah, Joye. I’m heaving a huge sigh. LaVeryl Spencer books just do that to me. Like you I was so sad when she stopped writing. She was such a wonderful storyteller.
I’ve got a lot of Sandra Brown books too! And funny you should mention adding more bookshelves. I’m putting in another wall as we speak! Great minds, right?
The 3rd book on my keeper shelf is Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole. I actually have not read this yet. But I love Kresley Cole and picked this up from a book exchange. I actually also prefer ebooks but I have this ready when I get to it in the series. I have book ADD – I see so many books and have such little time and one gets dangled in front of me like a carrot and I follow it like “Oh look a shiny new book I must read that” Thanks for the giveaway
Great interview! Ghost Shadow by Heather Graham. It’s a good mystery book that will keep you guessing until the end.
Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery, I keep all of hers because I just love the Fool’s Gold Series!!
Emily B, I absolutely love Susan Mallery’s Fool’s Gold series too! I love that she gives you updates on what everyone is doing!
I’ve got Lori Foster’s Getty Rowdy as the third book on my second shelf. Not only is it a great book from a great series and Lori a fantastic author but the cover is hot! Even if I didn’t love the book, I would probably want it on my shelf based on the hotness alone lol
Thanks for sharing all these interviews with Letty! She certainly keeps things interesting!
Vexing Voss by Gail Koger. It is truly laugh out loud funny. No matter how many times I read it I still snicker at the funny parts. It is a great story. It has wonderful characters. It is sexy and fun. Can’t ask for more in a romance.
Hi! My book is Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs! It’s the second in it’s series and from the first of two series in the universe and it makes it because it’s amazing and has so many components that I like (romance, fantasy, humor, etc.).
Congratulations to Sony Killian! You’re my Week 3 winner! Looks like you’re going to get to discover my books now!
Yay! Please send your mailing address to me at along with whether you’d like your gift card to be from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. And thanks for stopping by the party!
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