Posted at Aug 19, 2013 6:25 pm

1. If it’s pink it goes in the shopping cart.
2. Know who you are before you enter the store—aka— I am a girly girl and proud of it.
3. When the dressing room attendant tells you that you can only take 8 items into the dressing room, you laugh and say “I’m a girl. 8 items just won’t cut it.”
4. Pay no attention to how much money your MiMi really wants to spend.
5. Carefully observe the “goodies” near the checkout. There may be a bottle of nail polish you must have or you will die.
Any shopping tips you’ve learned lately other than stay out of the stores?
Shopping with grandsons is very different. It has to be bigger, louder, and better than what he already has. I like the loud part of the toy because its going home with him. LOL!Hehehehehehe!