Posted at Feb 4, 2014 4:31 pm

I’m very excited about the release of Confessions of a Secret Admirer–a Valentine’s Day Anthology with amazing authors Jennifer Ryan and Jennifer Seasons! To celebrate I wanted to have a fun giveaway.
Giveaway includes Confessions of a Secret Admirer–a Valentine’s Day Anthology Ebook, Swarovski crystal heart necklace, Notepads, Ghiradelli chocolates, pink stuffed monkey, and a Sweet, Texas coffee mug filled with pink pearl coated chocolates.
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment and tell me if you’ve ever had or have ever been a secret admirer, or who your secret crush is. And if you don’t have a story, feel free to make one up. I’ll reward the most creative with a signed copy of Sweetest Mistake (Jackson Wilder’s story).
Giveaway ends February 11, 2014 at 5:00 pm (MST). Winner(s) will be randomly selected. As always, this giveaway is open to my international friends.
Now . . . go forth and confess!
Congrats on the release! The monkey is SO cute!
I have lived a very boring life–no secret admirers. However, I’d love an ebook and would never turn down chocolate. I’m looking forward to reading how your research trip to TX turned out. Funny, I’m sure.
Congrats on the release. As for secret crushes. I would have to say I had this crush on a guy I worked with when I was 18 years old. I believe he was my first love. He was 24 to my 18 years. He and I were friends but he never ever saw me with a romantic eye. I tried everything but nothing ever clicked. We still however after all this time 25 plus years remain friends even though we don’t see each other that much. But when people ask me if my husband was my first love I smile and say sure but deep down I know Bill was my first love.
Congratulations on the release! I had a secret crush on a guy when I was seventeen, we were the best of friends and for about five months it grew until I could not handle keeping the feelings to myself where I started to express the feelings to him. I tried everything to have him look at me and notice me, but nothing worked until I decided that I had to tell him straight out that I had a crush on him. To this day we are still friends and we knew that we did not want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship if we got together and something happened.
Congrats to ur new release, I really like all of this stuff i see here. 🙂
six years ago we had lost my mom’s brother and so you can imagine the grief there was in my home. it was my birthday and everyone had forgotten so I was really sad… until my doorbell rang and there was a delivery boy with a huge bouquet of flowers and a really sweet teddy bear! I later learned it was from a friend that now has become my boyfriend and we are so much in love! thanks for the great giveaway
What a sweet story!
thank you! it has been six years and I have kept the flower petals and as my boyfriend works as an aircraft engineer many nights, I still sleep with my teddy bear when I am alone.He brought me happiness and comfort in the middle of sadness and I will always remember it 🙂
That is the most adorable thing I have ever heard! Marry him, please! 🙂
I have found my own sexy hero like those in your books! What can I say? I am a lucky girl 😉 cannot wait to read this anthology! xoxo
I went to a small, private college. After the first year, we knew all the boys, and there weren’t many who we considered eligible. We would joke about praying for a hot transfer student or hoping the incoming freshman were cute. Or, worst case, have field trips to the technical school where there were a lot more boys.
First day sophomore year: a hot transfer! In my program and half my classes! I looked right at one of my friends who was also in class and mouthed, “Dibs.”
So after class I introduced myself, and offered to show him around. We had lunch on the quad, enjoying a beautiful, sunny day. We had a lovely chat, during which it came out that he had a girlfriend. Ah, well.
We became fairly good friends over the course of the year, and I suppressed my feelings but I never quite gave up hope. We made a study date for the final in May, and I looked hot. Way too hot for a study date! (Oh, to be 20 again). Hair, makeup, the works. He ignored my hints– though it must have been difficult, because at 20, “subtle” was not my specialty. At the end of the evening, I walked him to the door. A few steps down the hall, he turned around, and said in a low voice, “It’s too bad I’ve always had a girlfriend.” He looked truly regretful, and it just melted my heart, as I thought about What Might Have Been.
The next day was moving out day and we had made arrangements for him to come over after the exam and help carry my dorm fridge to my car. I suppose he’d been thinking about more than the final exam all night because after we’d finished, he pressed me to the car and kissed me.
He was, without a doubt, the WORST KISSER EVER. Like, the absolute worst. His lips were somehow stiff and too squishy at the same time. I spent the entire minute thinking about how I was going to get out of this one. Fortunately, my conscience helped out with that one. I pushed him away, feigned a guilty expression, and said, “I just can’t do this to your girlfriend.”
He agreed, and we parted as friends. I learned a valuable lesson that day.
Steal a kiss up front, before wasting an entire year on someone.
Also, I passed my final.
Oh my gosh Kerrie! Love this. Great lesson. 🙂
Thanks. 🙂
Does an ex-boyfriends stalker count??? Yeah after 4 years of dating, he couldn’t let go.
Congrats Candis on your recent release!! <3 Hmmm, I was always the "fat" kid so I did NOT have admirers although when I had a crush they usually knew it…I was always one to wear my heart on my sleeve!! Thanks for the chance to enter!! =)
well no secret admires in life so far 🙂 when I was young every year for my birthday I would get a wake up call from a radio station and they would wish me happy birthday it happened for years since about 10 till I turned 20. I would ask my mom and step dad and they said it wasn’t them I would ask my dad and he would say that it wasn’t him .. I figure it was either them or another relative…. my birthday is in October and on the year of my 21st birthday my father passed away in april and as his only child I had to go through all of his things I found a box of tapes where he had recored his and my conversation with the radio host on every birthday that they would call me … as my birthday approached that year I figured I wasn’t going to get a call because my dad wasn’t there to requested it… but I did get a call my mom requested it this time and the DJ told me it was from my dad requested by my mom … it was special
Years ago, I was working at the credit union of NASA. After work, I would walk over to meet my Mom who worked for NASA and we would drive home together. There was an engineer who worked in her building who made me melt to look at him. I so looked forward to the end of the work day so I could get a glimpse of him as he left work. It turns out he was checking me out too and asked his secretary for my name and telephone number. She teased him and told him he would have to approach my Mom and ask her! Anyway, he got my number and called me and that was the beginning of the love of my life. We’ve been married for 47 years and he still makes me melt to look at him. 🙂
I had a crush in the 3rd grade. LOL.
Congrats on your release, Candis . Already started reading last night. Helps that I am a night owl.
I had a secret crush on highschool. He went to our church and played varsity football , how could I go wrong. He was two years older than me. I was devastated when he started dating a girl a year older than him, also from our church. The big ticker was her name was also Sherry, just a different spelling.
My last crush was when I was 16 – and I had it bad. His name was Ruben and he smelled like Polo cologne (that should tell you how old I am!). He was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen in person. Sadly, the crush was not mutual – but still, anytime I smell that darn cologne…
So when I was 5 years old a childhood friend sent me a valentines card and a red rose, not so secret given I knew who it was but my mum made me give him a card in return even though I insisted I didn’t like him that way. I couldn’t figure out what is was about him that didn’t feel right until…..20 years later he announced he way gay! Always trust your instinct 😉
Ah Jess! I totally agree.
Congrats on your new release! I look forward to reading it. My 1st crush was Kevin Todd in 4th grade and he knew it LOL. We used to just stare at each other in art class…rarely spoke a word to each other and he blushed real easy :). He moved away. I saw him a few years later,as I was walking with my mom to my aunt’s house. He was playing football with friends in their yard. It was like radar as I looked over and saw him…I just knew it was him. He must have felt me looking because he suddenly stopped and looked up. The eye contact was intense. It freaked me out LOL. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had walked up and said something :). I still have a soft spot for red heads, freckles, and a nice smile. Should hunt him down LOL.
No secret admirers that I know of!!!! But will admit to having a crush on the son of one of my Dad’s work friends. I tried everything to get him interested. Only problem was he was oh so shy. I finally gave up after the Thanksgiving dinner where their family joined ours and I managed to get 3 words out of him and could barely hear them!!!! I decided it was time to move on. Congrats on the release and I would love to win!!!
I had a secret crush on a coworker who didn’t know, I had crushes on lots of coworkers, and they never knew. In my new hobo have no coworkers, I work in a post office in my small hometown so I am the inky one there.
Oh gosh! I hadn’t thought about this in years!! When I was 15 I totally fell in love!! The sun rose and set on this boy and he considered me only a friend. 🙁 My poor heart was devastated! BUT, I saw this man a few years back and let me say now that I am soooooo glad he only wanted to be friends!!!! Because wow! He definitely didn’t grow up to be what I had in mind! lol
37 years ago I had a secret admirer and guess what, my secret admirer and I have been married for 35 years.
That’s wonderful Jamie! Congratulations!
My not to secret crush is Tom Selleck. I have loved that man since he did Daughters of the Devil, a very obscure movie that he did in 1978 before he became Magnum, P.I. I have pseudo-stalked that man for decades now and still dream of marrying him one day! I never cared that he originally couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag! It never mattered to me except, I am happy that he improved tremendously in the first 5 yrs after he started acting professionally. LOL!
No secret crushes or admirers here. And I am not creative enough to make up a good story. My husband and I used to joke about my son though. It started when he was old enough to sit up and eat regular food, so he must have been a year or so old. Whenever we would go to a restaurant or a store, his eyes would follow all the pretty girls! We always joked that he loves the pretty girls already! He is six now, and he still stares at the pretty ones! Lol!
I really just wanted to tell you that I am really looking forward to reading your books. I just recently discovered them. I have, I believe, three of them now. They look very good! I just need to catch up with my read and reviews promised first! Then I will read them back to back! (Love doing that!)
all the guys from the BDB series
Great stories!
Loved Anything but Sweet and just purchased the Valentines anthology- perfect reading material for a cold weekend!
I’ve had a crush on Ben A for a long time. Didn’t ever think I’d marry his possible cousin.
I had one night stand that lasted more than ounce with same guy
If I knew I had a secret admirer, would it still be a secret?
My not-so-secret crush happened whenever I was a freshman in high school. Our school was putting on “Carousel” for the spring musical. The night I met him I was standing in for the part if Carrie. I had no idea who he was, but we started running lines. It was the moment he pulled me onto his lap and said that he would swim through beer with his mouth closed if I would only say I loved him. That was the beginning of the end.
I started hanging out with him after school and found out that he had an email address. So I stole it and started emailing him. At first he told me that he probably wouldn’t say much, but I didn’t mind. For two months I emailed him. Slowly, but surely, our emails became longer and more personal. We were waking up early just to email and staying up late just to Instant Message. Finally, in May, he emailed me a questionnaire about himself and told me that if I passed it he would ask me out. I failed it.
The next evening we went out with a big group of friends to see a movie. While in the theater, we started to playfully argue over the armrest. He looked at me and said, “I could put my arm around you, but I would have to be your boyfriend.” Then, he put his arm around me.
This May 11th we will have been dating for 8 years. May 11th will also be our first Wedding anniversary. We are each other’s first and only.
When I was in high school, my best friend and I had crushes on Randy and Mike, who were also best friends that had moved to town the year before. Anyway Linda and I got up the nerve to call them and invite them to a wiener roast. They said they would come, little did they know it would be a wiener roast for 4. Linda had swiped a bottle of rum from her dad, and we were at the creek with everything ready. They were a total no-show. Heartbroken, we decided to drink the rum(at 16 you can really be dumb). I had never been so sick in my life, and to this day I can’t stomach the smell of rum. Lesson learned tho, no boy or man is worth getting drunk and sick for.
I once had a crush on this guy and he had a crush on me too but he was married so unfortunately it’s the end of the story. Sigh… I don’t want all the swag, I’d be happy with bookmarks of your books.
I think growing up I had tons and tons of crushes. I always thought that he was going to be the “one”. Thankfully none of those crushes worked out and I met the man I’ve been with for 11 years (married 6 yrs). Guys come and go but your soul mate is the one who counts in the end and that’s my husband. My soul mate and best friend.
As for secret crushes…. I would have to say I had this crush on My choir teacher. 🙂
I had a secret crush when I was 15, a friend of mine made it not so secret and embarrassed me if front of everyone sitting at a show at the renaissance festival. At the time I was so mad about it but that didn’t last long… he has now been my husband for 13 years!
My secret crush is one of my son’s HS football coaches. His name is Jay. He’s very shy and has been hurt by a woman from his past. In the few years that I’ve known him, I’ve finally gotten him to talk to me, comment on Facebook post and gotten him to talk to others more. He always waves at me from the field as I’m either on the field or at the walkway taking pictures. My goal is to get him to finally ask me out.
I married my crush seventeen years ago. I took him two years to finally believe in us. Now that he does we couldn’t be any happier. Two kids and a flock of pets later. We are living our happily ever after.
If I have a secret admirer they are very good at it! ;d
I’d tell you my secret crush….but then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore! lol I haven’t had a secret admirer that I know of but I was a secret admirer when I was in high school. Didn’t end that well for me 🙁
I was twenty years old hadn’t had boyfriend nor a secret admirer. I went on a holiday with my sister, back to my homeland island of Madeira. There I met a guy who took my breath away and I instantly had a crush on him. I didn’t see him everyday, but I always hoped that I would, and I think he did too. As time went by he would try and get me on my own, because there was always family around and they wouldn’t have approved. Back then being single, European and alone with a man was a big no no, and yes even at the age of twenty. Anyway like I said there was always someone around, but he always found a way to try and talk to me, or touch me. Like when ever we were near each other our hands would lightly touch. At times he would corner me off when ever we ran into each other alone in the house, and I being the innocent twenty year old that I was, would duck under his arms and run off. There was one time when we were sitting outside with my aunt sitting in between us, I was leaning back on my hands when I felt the warmth of his hand cover mine. All I know was I felt a warmth inside of me and my heart racing with excitement. Well this went on for the month I was there, but on the last weekend before I had to travel back home to Australia… He met up with me in a my towns, church festival. Of course there was family around but this time only our sisters, so he asked me to take a walk with him and I did. He took my hand and lead me around to all the stalls at first and we somehow ended on the other side of the church away from the rest of the crowd. All I remember is we came to a stop, he turned me to him and looked into my eyes with his adoring beautiful blue ones. Slowly his head descended to mine and his soft lushes lips kissed mine. Now I say it this way because thats how it felt to me. I felt like I was in a dream. He lifted his head and said something, I think he asked me something actually, but because I was still in fantasy land I didn’t really hear it. The next thing I remember is him taking me back to where the others were, us saying good bye and looking back at each other as if we didn’t want the other to go… I never told anyone about my crush or about that kiss, but I still wonder today what it was that he had said…
No stalkers that I know of, but a friend of mine has had a very freaky stalker. She was my best friend when we were little and there was a boy living in a house with a backyard bordering their backyard. Everytime we would go outside to play he would be standing there looking at us, or following us. But that wasn’t the scariest part: at some point my friend found out he had a camera in his bedroom that was focused on her bedroomwindow!! When her parents (she was 11 at the time) went to speak with the boy’s parents, they didn’t see the problem… Very scary for eleven year old girls!!
I’m pretty sure I haven’t been a stalker….urm, a secret admirer. I play things pretty open so but haven’t had much luck. And happy to say no stalkers of my own although disappointed I also can’t say I’ve had any secret admirers that I know of. As for secret crush, I’ll always remember the paper boy….. 🙂
I never had a secret admirer in my life though I always dreamed of having one, but now it’s my chance. 🙂
Congratulations to Amylynn Bright! You’ve won my Confessions of a Secret Admirer Giveaway.
Please email me at with your address so I can get your prize in the mail.
So I know that the contest is over, but I had to share because my roommate and I came up with this before I saw the deadline (so yes, it is a completely made up story that I wish had happened to me haha).
When I was in high school my boyfriend decided that every day of February should be like Valentines day. So everyday he would get a different flower and put it and a romantic quote from one of my favorite books (I have way to many) in my locker. But he would never tell me it was him (though I was pretty sure it was) deciding instead to play dumb every day even after Valentines day. So finally on the last day of February he left a white jasmine (which I later found out means sweet love) with a quote and a clue to go to a place, leading to another flower and clue until I finally ended up at the park where he was with a bunch of flowers. It was amazing! 🙂
Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.
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